Frequently Asked Questions

How much water will each bag hold?

Each Better Than Sand bag, when fully activated will hold more than 5 liters of water.

How long does it take for a bag to completely activate?

Environmental conditions such as temperature can affect activation. In most situations bags are completely activated in 3-5 minutes.

How long will it take to dry out (deactivate) so that I can store it?

While humidity and air circulation can affect results, in most situations Better Than Sand Bags are dry and ready to store in 3-4 weeks. DO NOT dry them in the sun as this may affect the polymer’s ability to absorb water in the future.

How long can a Better Than Sand be stored before using?

Better Than Sand bags have an effective shelf life of 5 years. This time can be drastically affected by storage conditions. Always store bags tightly sealed and in a dry location.

Are Better Than Sand bags reusable?

YES! When you are finished using your bags, unstack them so they dry quickly – then be sure to store them in a cool dry location. Bags loose about 10% of their capacity each time they are used and become ineffective after 4-5 uses.

How do I activate my Better Than Sand bags?

Bags can be put in place and the rain can activate them. They can be pre-activated with a hose. We recommend pre-activating bags if you are going to stack them, or if you expect rising water that may cause the bag to float away before total activation.

After the bags are activated, I notice a slimy film on the outside of the bag, what is it?

The polymer that absorbs the water degrades a little with each use. The bags must be constructed to allow water in, so a little of the polymer seeps through. It is non-toxic and can be washed off with water.

Will Better Than Sand bags mold or smell?

Better Than Sand bags themselves will not have an odor or mold, however the water they are activated with or that they come in contact with while acting as a barrier may contain contaminants that cause these issues.

What do I do with my Better Than Sand bag once I no longer want to keep it?

Better Than Sand bags are completely biodegradable and can be thrown out in your normal trash.

Can I use Better Than Sand bags in salt water?

NO. The salt has a chemical reaction with the polymer inside the bag that makes it useless. If you believe the bags may inadvertently come in contact with salt (i.e. off the road in winter) pre-activate them and wrap them in plastic to keep the salt away.

Can Better Than Sand Bags be used in cold weather?

YES. Always pre-activate the bags before moving into cold temperatures. We do not recommend moving frozen bags as they are likely to tear.

How long can my Better Than Sand bags be used in place?

We recommend that bags only be left in place during the period needed to hold back water. As our bags are made to be biodegradable – the elements will begin to break down the inner polymer in 2-3 weeks.

How does it work? Magic?

Nah…The inner material is SAP Super Absorbent Polymer. This material transforms into a gel that can retain significant amounts of water. The same basic idea behind disposable diapers.

Important – Better Than Sand bags are provided for the buyer to use in a multitude of situations and environments. We cannot be liable for damage or water damage should the Better Than Sand bags not work for your specific project.

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